Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Goals for 2018

As I indicated in my last post, I would like to blog again and I would like to set and achieve some goals for 2018. If I share them here, maybe I'll be more likely to achieve them all...

Financial goals:
1. Pay off house renovations. This should be complete by March
2. Pay off appliances. This should be complete by July 
3. Save toward a down payment on a new-to-me car. I love my Mazda 3 hatchback, but it doesn't have enough leg room for A, and all four of us can't ride in my car anywhere. My tags are due in July, but because of items 1 and 2, saving for a car isn't in the cards for the first half of the year. I would like $5,000 saved plus whatever I get for trading in the Mazda (or selling it outright). I think this is doable by December. 
4. Budget. I started using last year but stopped while I was on maternity leave. Then it was hard to pick back up because I hadn't stayed on top of categorizing expenses. 

Personal goals:
1. Garden. With the kids this has been difficult the last several years. Even if I need to take several vacation days to put the garden in and harvest, I need to commit to it for my mental health. Between work, school, the kids and the hubs I don't get any "me" time and I often feel I need to recharge. 
Subgoals: a. Add 2 more garden beds
                 b. plant 3 more spruce trees
                 c. Plant the 2 replacement apple trees and 1 apricot in March
2. Blog or Journal. At least twice a week. This may be here, or it may be in handwritten journals. I started journals for A and C earlier this year and every couple months I try to write down funny things they've said or done, and milestones they've hit. 
3. Complete at least 4 Master's level classes. If I can take a summer class, and then two classes in each winter and spring semester, I'll be complete Summer 2019. Then I'll only have the thesis/internship paper and presentation to complete. So far there aren't any classes posted for summer 2018 so I may have the summer off. I'm flipflopping between "yay" and "well, that sucks" haha
4. Be a planner. This year I've used a planner for keeping track of meals, errands and tasks. I would like to be better at planning things in advance.
Subgoals: a. plan breakfasts, lunches and snacks to assist with goal b.
                 b. Lose weight. According to my height and weight, I have another 15 pounds to lose. Once I stop breastfeeding in January, after C turns 1, this should be easier. I'm down 10 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight with her, but I am ravenously hungry all day because I'm still pumping at work.
                 c. Exercise. Not sure where this will fit in with work, 2 classes and the kids, but it needs to be a priority, too. 

Oh, and I'm posting in the middle of the day today because the Hubs had 2 wisdom teeth removed this morning and I'm home baking Christmas cookies. Except in my infinite wisdom I remembered to buy flour, sugar, brown sugar and chocolate chips but forgot about oatmeal and eggs, so I have to make a trip to Dollar General...

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Two years ago I made a list of goals for the year and emailed them to myself. When I completed a goal, I would re-email myself the updated list.

Then I found out I was preggo with C. and the list of goals got sidelined because of doctor and hospital payments. Things like finishing the kitchen (new appliances, new countertop, fixing the asymmetrical cabinets at the sink) got put aside.

For 2018, I want another list of goals. Hopefully posting on my blog will keep me more accountable. I'm still working on my list, but blogging again is on the list. I like these journal prompts even though they are old list.

Stay tuned!
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