Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Starting seeds indoors!

Started eggplants and artichokes indoors.

Instead of using potting soil I used organic seed starting mix. Last year I used potting soil and had a problem with damping off. I did some research and many people say the seed starting mix is better when starting out.

I mixed the seed starting mix with water until it was about the consistency of cookie dough- difficult to stir but still sticking together. Then I put it into containers and leveled the top of the mix. The containers I used were ones I saved from last year, when I purchased a lot of the vegetables. I washed out the containers, to get rid of the old dirt, and then soaked them in a bleach/water mixture for about 10 minutes. This was due to some research I did about killing old bacteria that may be in the containers still.

I planted:
Thai Long Purple and Bianca Rosa eggplants
Green Globe artichokes

Black Cherry
Amish Paste

Red Cheese
Golden Marconi
Quadrato D'asti Rosso

I soaked the artichoke seeds in water for four hours.

Everything (except the artichokes) that I sowed today was surface sown.

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