Monday, May 31, 2010

Garden Report 5.31.10 & possible detox diet

I've been considering a detox diet to figure out what foods make my gut go crazy. No, I'm not going to give any details about my bodily functions! I've been reading about elimination diets such as this one:, in which you eliminate eggs, soy, dairy, gluten, alcohol, caffeine, nightshade family plants (tomatoes, peppers & eggplants) and other items from your diet for anywhere from 7 to 28 days. This allows the inflammation in your gastrointestinal tract to subside. Then, every 4 days or so you introduce one of the food groups previously eliminated and record side effects (if any) of eating that food group.
Anywho, this seems like a perfect time to do an elimination diet because my garden is kicking off. I already have way too much lettuce and spinach for one person to eat. My peas, kohlrabi and radishes are ready to eat. If I do this diet soon enough, I'll be able to start eating the yellow pear tomatoes that recently set on the plants.

So what I did today, and have planned for later:
I picked several handfuls of peas, both snap peas and snow peas. The shelling peas aren't quite ready yet. I think from now on I'll only plant snow peas and shelling peas. This year I had seeds to get rid of though.
I continue to thin out the lettuce and spinach.
I brought in another handful of strawberries today. I've had about a handful every other day for the last two weeks.
I decided I really like the Chinese red meat radishes when they are allowed to get larger. I had one earlier this week sliced very thinly on a salad of spinach, feta, and snow peas with poppy seed dressing.
I staked all the asparagus again. The first round of stakes didn't hold very well. I also staked the tomato plants that I don't have cages for, which is 5 of the 13 plants. I'm looking forward to lots of tomato paste and sauce and stewing tomatoes as everything I canned last summer was eaten by February this year. My tomatoes taste so much better than store bought!
The cucurbit bed needs diatomaceous earth reapplied. Last week, I replanted some Charentais melons because only one of the 4 plants was still growing. Something ate the other 3. The new seeds have germinated and are poking through the dirt.
I am going to plant more okra and green beans, as some of them were also eaten and some of them never germinated.
Also, when I was home last weekend mom and I split a 4 pack of Rosa Bianca eggplant. And of course, mine are now starting to look healthy....

I'm really liking the way I planted everything this year. There are barely any weeds.

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