And today we have Parisienne carrots, Chioggia beets, a Golden beet, snow peas and a couple shelling peas (not pictured- I ate them in the garden!)
I was reading an article the other day, or maybe it was Michael Pollan's book Food Rules
, that if a person invests $70 into a garden (whether seeds or plants or a combination of), they will reap at least $600 worth of produce during the year. What this means is, if they were to go to the store and purchase everything they'd grown from investing $70, all the store bought produce would cost at least $600! That's crazy!
I think next year, I am going to weigh the produce I get everyday and write it down, and see how much I actually harvest. I know it's always a lot, sometimes I can't even eat it all. But, I'm hoping with my new "food rule" of eating what's in season as it's ready to harvest from my garden, that I won't be putting as much produce in the compost. This will probably help me gauge what I need to plant more and less of. The last two years I had intentions of taking the extra produce to a local food pantry but by the time I would remember to take it, gnats had gotten to them or the veggies had gotten squishy.
Check this out,
Laura- that's an interesting article. I clicked on through to the original list on The Cheap Vegetable Gardener's page. I agree with the placement of a lot of the vegetables on his list. I wish he had compared grocery store prices to farmer's market prices. Just yesterday, farm fresh green beans were $3/lb at the farmer's market and $.88/lb at Dillon's!
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