Saturday, February 26, 2011

Garden 2011

I started seeds this morning. The Hubs bought me a Burpee Seed Starting Greenhouse and a Hydrofarm Seedling Heat mat. Here's my setup this year:
I have two grow lights and a heating mat. I won't turn on the lights until I have seedlings. Until then, I'll have the heating mat on.
Here's a closer shot of what I have planted so far. The seed starting tray has 72 cells, but I only used 30 so far. I'll probably start some herbs closer to transplant time.
This year, I'm limiting myself to 2 plants per variety. I planted 2 seeds per cell, and 3 cells of each to ensure I'll have enough to transplant. The excess will be donated or given away.
A majority of these seeds are from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds out of Mansfield. They do not have banana peppers or poblano peppers, so those seeds are from Lowe's. All of the seeds I started in the tray today are from last year.

Red Cheese
Quadrato d'Asti Rosso
Golden Marconi

Amish Paste
Black Cherry

Thai Long Purple
Rosa Bianca

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