Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Training for my ride to work!

I downloaded an app for my phone awhile back called Endomondo. It tracks your workouts. I turn on the GPS on my phone, then start the app when I start biking and stop it when I arrive back home. I'd put the map on my blog, but I don't want any stalkers at my front door! The reason I chose this app is because Endomondo has heart rate monitors that sync to your phone.
Anyway, it's a pretty nifty app.You can choose what kind of exercise you are doing: cycling, walking, running, skating, kayaking, downhill skiing (!!), etc. Then at the end of your workout, it tells you how far you went, average speed, time, and it gives a map of the route you took.

Saturday was the first day I used it and I forgot to tell it I was cycling, so it assumed I was walking. I went a mile in about 10 minutes.

Tuesday, I went 1.29 miles in about 11 minutes.

Today, I went 1.89 miles in about 15 minutes.

My average speed varies between 7.3 and 8 mph. I think it will take me about 30 minutes to get to work.

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