Saturday, September 10, 2011

Post Secret

Last night, I went to see Post Secret with a couple friends. Post Secret is this website where people send in artistic, anonymous post cards with their deepest secrets. I wasn't really sure what to expect from a live show, and was honestly a little let down.

I guess I was expecting it to be skit-like, with different people reading postcards that were sent in, but it was mostly Frank Warren talking about how Post Secret started. He printed up 3,000 postcards that were blank on one side and gave directions on the other side, and passed them out on the streets of D.C. Then he posted them to the website.

He talked a lot about suicide prevention, which I believe is his goal with his tour. He had microphones set up at the edge of the theater so people could share their own secrets. Mostly people said how they never felt good enough for their parents, but one guy proposed to his girlfriend (and she said yes).

He encouraged us to come up with and pursue our own crazy idea. He pointed out a website called The person who created the website gets lost digital photos emailed to him, then posts the photos to his blog and (hopefully) returns the camera to its rightful owner.

The show was at the Gillioz Theater , an old theater that was recently restored to original condition. It reminds me a lot of the Fox Theater in St. Louis, though not as extravagant.

I tried to take a picture of one of the light fixtures but it didn't turn out so well...

 The Post Secret website operator, and author of several books, Frank Warren.

If you want to check out the website, go to

I think this archive is by the same guy, but I'm not sure. It looks completely different from the other website. I guess next week I should look and see if this week's postcards are on it?

I would like to go out more often with friends. I didn't even think about dressing up for tonight, but when I got to the Gillioz, many people were dressed up.

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