Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hot Chicks

 It's been rather warm during the day, so my brother turns off the heat lamp on the chicks. They get to hang out in the dark for most of the day, which means they seem to forget where the food is located until the light comes back on. But I suppose it's better than the alternative: baked chicken.

Two discoveries yesterday about the chicks. One is that they are flying around the box.

See the dark spot on top of the waterer? I went to check on the chicks and one was standing on top of the waterer and had just pooped. I tried to get a picture but it flew off too fast.

 The other discovery is that we may be able to tell their gender earlier than expected.They will be two weeks old on Sunday and supposedly you can tell the gender in week 3.
See on the chick above, how there is a ridged area between the eyes? I think this Brown Leghorn may be a rooster. In fact, 5 of the 6 Brown Leghorn chicks have this already.

 The chick on the left above is not doing so hot. Yesterday I noticed that he was laying down at the edge of the box and the other chicks were walking on top of him like he wasn't even there. So I put him in a separate box with only one other chick, a bowl of water and a sprinkle of feed. He is limping a little bit and doesn't like putting weight on his left foot.
Finding another chick for the box was a difficult task. I tried several others and they all flew out the top of it.

As for the bees, I gave them another full quart of sugar water yesterday. They went through a quart in two days, even though there are so many flowers blooming!

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