Friday, February 28, 2014
To my Baby Kangaroo 1/18/14
We started telling selected friends this week about you. Next weekend we'll tell my mom's side of the family at our Christmas celebration. Last week I ate lunch with your great-uncle Joe and I thought I was going to spill the beans. We went to Olive Garden, and everything creamy was making me nauseaous - not a good thing when both my favorite soups there are creamy. So I got a calzone instead. The tomato sauce gave me horrible heartburn.
This week, I felt really bloated at the end of the week. Yesterday at work I could not get enough to eat. Same thing today - for lunch I made a grilled cheese sandwich and made myself wait half an hour before making a second one. I'm trying not to gain weight during this first trimester, but it's hard to not eat when my stomach is growling so much. Even drinking plenty of water didn't help.
In addition to aversions to creamy foods, I can't handle seafood right now. I really like fried fish and shrimp, but I can't do the texture right now.
Last weeked, I also found out that you'll have a cousin born around the same time as you - Uncle Will and Aunt Danielle are also expecting in August. I'm already dreaming of trips to the zoo!
I may be going to a conference for work in mid-April. By that time I'll be about 20 weeks pregnant - hard to believe I'll be halfway to meeting you. We are converting to a new software this year - we'll be close to wrapping it up by the time you arrive.
I am thinking about dropping my gym membership. As a City employee, I get free access to our two fitness centers. I used to go to them, but got annoyed at the broken equipment and all the people that were there. But cancelling my gym membership would free up a lot of money - almost $700 a year. I'm concerned if I stop paying for a gym membership that I'll stop going as often. Part of the reason I go now is because I'm motivated by the $55 per month I pay. I want my money's worth!
I know it's early, but I've started thinking of what to put on your registry. I would like to buy a lot of the big stuff used if possible. Your aunt Lyndsey offered to give us the dresser and bed that your cousin Lilah had. They are thinking of getting her a big-girl bed. I can't believe how fast she is growing!
Thursday, February 27, 2014
To my Baby Kangaroo - 1/12/14
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
To my Baby Kangaroo 1/5/14
Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth about Pregnancy and Childbirth (not worth it, glad I can resell on Amazon...)
The Happiest Baby on the Block
The Baby Book: Everything you Need to Know about your baby from Birth to Age Two
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
To my Little Kangaroo - 12/29/13
Monday, February 24, 2014
To my Little Kangaroo - 12/24/13
Last week:
Low grade fever for three days
Lack of appetite
(Implantation) bleeding?
Saturday, I was getting dressed and asked your Dad if my boobs looked bigger; they weren't fitting in my bras and felt HUGE
My boobs hurt, mostly in the nipple area
I had a dull ache/cramp for most of the day Monday, very UNlike a period cramp
Nausea/upset stomach before each meal. You know that feeling you get when you smell someone else's vomit? That's what I've felt like. If I snacked, the feeling subsided.
Extreme thirst
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Some updates
Most of the pepper seeds I planted have sprouted. The broccoli and cauliflower are ready to transplant into larger containers.
Yesterday was really nice outside - upper 60s - so I took advantage of the warmth and worked outside. I fertilized some of the fruit trees (I would have fertilized them all, but I ran out of fertilizer), and gave all the planters that have bulbs a dose of bone meal. I also pulled back the mulch from the strawberries and gave them and the asparagus a dose of super phosphate.
My garden calendar says this week is the week to plant spinach and root vegetables. But the garden is really wet - like you step in and sink 4" - so there's no garden work going on yet. I also need some manure from the farm before I start planting.
I also worked on the planter bed retaining wall. The portion I'm working on now is the farthest away from the rock and block piles so far. I'm about to turn the next corner of the house, but we need to figure out what we're doing with the patio in the backyard before I get too much farther.
On the home front, the Hubs and I are expecting a baby the end of August. Each week since I found out I was pregnant, I've been writing a blog post to what we've deemed our "baby kangaroo". I plan to publish those blog posts so I remember what happened each week of my pregnancy.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Pepper planting
Today I started seed for poblano, jalapeno, banana, Chinese giant peppers (4-6" red bell peppers), Carnival mix peppers (mix of multi colored bell peppers) and yummy pepper mix (these look like the little bag of peppers from Aldi).
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Starting seeds
Last weekend I started broccoli and cauliflower seed. I have (3) six packs of cauliflower and (1) of broccoli. The seed was from last year, so I wasn't sure how well it would germinate. Almost all the cauliflower has come up, but less than half the broccoli.
Later today or tomorrow I will plant seeds of peppers and eggplant. I bought a mix of sweet pepper seeds, and I have seed leftover from previous years for poblano/ancho, jalapeno and banana peppers. This year I am starting the peppers a couple weeks earlier than last year, so hopefully they will be a little bigger at transplant time. The eggplant is also old seed, so it may not even germinate...