Sunday, February 23, 2014

Some updates

Most of the pepper seeds I planted have sprouted. The broccoli and cauliflower are ready to transplant into larger containers.

Yesterday was really nice outside - upper 60s - so I took advantage of the warmth and worked outside. I fertilized some of the fruit trees (I would have fertilized them all, but I ran out of fertilizer), and gave all the planters that have bulbs a dose of bone meal. I also pulled back the mulch from the strawberries and gave them and the asparagus a dose of super phosphate.

My garden calendar says this week is the week to plant spinach and root vegetables. But the garden is really wet - like you step in and sink 4" - so there's no garden work going on yet. I also need some manure from the farm before I start planting.

I also worked on the planter bed retaining wall. The portion I'm working on now is the farthest away from the rock and block piles so far. I'm about to turn the next corner of the house, but we need to figure out what we're doing with the patio in the backyard before I get too much farther.

On the home front, the Hubs and I are expecting a baby the end of August. Each week since I found out I was pregnant, I've been writing a blog post to what we've deemed our "baby kangaroo". I plan to publish those blog posts so I remember what happened each week of my pregnancy.

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