You are about an inch long in the ultrasound. You waved at us during the ultrasound. Your heart was beating about 160 beats per minute. We didn't get to hear your heartbeat but we could see it. According to your length, your due date is still August 31. This week you'll grow about 1/4", and be about the size of a kumquat. According the the scale here at home, I've lost 4 pounds since I found out I was pregnant, but according to the scale at the doctor's office, I've gained 2 pounds.
This week I had a cold for the first half of the week. Cough, congestion, drainage, gunk. Luckily, Robitussin and Mucinex are on the approved medication list. I'm pretty done with cough drops, too. I forget how gross they make my mouth feel until I've gone through a bag of them. Other items that helped this week: running a humidifer at night, and using saline mist in my nose multiple times a day. Because of the cold, I was unable to go to the gym until Wednesday evening.
Symptoms this week? Still experiencing food aversions, but they could also be blamed on the cold and lack of appetite. My boobs are no longer sore, but frequently there are stabbing pains in them. The uterus area of my body feels like it is stretching.
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