Wednesday, April 2, 2014


This weekend I fertilized the peppers with diluted fish emulsion fertilizer. I moved the grow lights higher on all the plants. I'll probably fertilize the tomato plants next weekend. Everything is looking good so far!

Our last frost date is mid April, that is if spring decides to ever arrive. The weather keeps going back and forth between sunny and 75, and frosty. Which makes it difficult to plant a garden and breathe. The cow poo was spread on the garden several weeks ago, and then it rained several times. The rain is a good thing because it softens up the garden area but also a bad thing because the garden area doesn't have enough organic matter to dry out quickly. I've had onion and potato sets ready to go in the ground for almost a month now, but we haven't been able to rototill the garden so that I can plant.

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