Sunday, May 18, 2014


I accomplished a lot in the garden today. I put straw mulch around the potato plants and down the aisles. Yesterday I planted cauliflower in between the potatoes. They are companion plants, so we'll see how that works. Today I also planted the walking onions from Grandpa Ettling between the tomatoes. Hopefully if it continues to stay sunny today, the Hubs will rototill the rest of the garden so I can transplant the pepper plants.
I also transplanted some plants. When we first moved in, the water softener was washing away the dirt in that area, so I planted some hostas and flowers that are salt-resistant in that area. The grass has really taken off by the water softener recently, I think because we switched to a different salt. It's more expensive, but less likely to kill grass. So I transplanted the hostas, purple coneflower, daylilies, lilies, white salvia and a fern to the dining room window area. I need to add more rock mulch around the transplants.

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