This week was your first trip to Kansas City. Your dad's truck had a bent rear axle, and the closest place he could find to fix it was in Kansas City. So we took a whirlwind trip, less than 72 hours, (over 10 of which was on the road!) and spent a few nights there. While there, we also visited your aunt Lyndsey and uncle Jason (Jacob's half-sister and her fiance), and your two cousins. We got hooked up on baby stuff! The girls have outgrown some items, and we came back with a collapsible bathtub, swing and jogging stroller. We also received a diaper bag FULL of goodies, both from our registry, and items Lyndsey loves for her girls. (And your dad received an outdoor kitchen book - more inspiration for our back patio!)
We are in the third trimester. (EEK!) You are about 2 to 2.5 pounds, and I will start gaining close to a pound a week for the remainder of pregnancy. You move all. day. long. Still not regularly enough that your dad can feel you move, but enough to be distracting while I'm reading, working or doing whatever.
My joint pain does not feel as bad, especially when I'm at work, and I believe it's due to sitting on the pillow I bought last week. I sat on it for the trip to/from Kansas City and felt pretty good, too. The worst part is getting out of bed. This week I noticed slight swelling in my fingers and toes. I think it's due to not exercising or walking and sitting for so long, and due to all the fast food and junk food we ate on the road. It's difficult to eat healthy when traveling!
This week, we are taking an infant CPR class at the hospital. It's one of those things I hope we never have to use, but I'll be glad to know how to do infant CPR in the event we ever do need it.
Yesterday I hung the curtains in your room and put away most of the items we received. I think your room needs some artwork or photos.
Our maternity photo session is officially booked for July 12. We have mid-morning photos in the park; I hope it's not too humid that day!
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