Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Garden photos

I was out in the garden this evening and happened to have my camera phone, so I snapped a few photos to share!

On the left side of this bed are leeks. Toward the center back is an artichoke. There are four other artichoke plants but they are much smaller.

These are onions. On the right is some volunteer spinach that came up from last year.


The back side of the greenhouse, where the native flowers will go. You can see where I sprayed roundup last year (I know, roundup is the devil, and I typically wouldn't use it but I also don't want weeds growing up into my greenhouse).

There are several strawberry blossoms.

The inside of the greenhouse. These are the tool holders I installed.


Another view inside the greenhouse. I don't have the 1x12s for the shelves yet, but the brackets are installed. The vent openers are working!

1 comment:

Wilma said...

Looking good, kiddo!!

Love ya

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