I said awhile back that I wanted to track my vegetable harvest this year. I'm already behind... I don't remember what days I harvested, but I've had four spinach salads this size and I've snipped off several bunches of parsley. I weighed the spinach today and it was 2.5 oz. So the count so far for harvested vegetables is:
Spinach: 10 oz
Flat leaf parsley: 1/4 c.
Curly leaf parsley: 1/2 c.
What is that in the picture you ask? Spinach salad with flat leaf parsley, a big falafel patty (I buy a powdered mix from Mama Jeans) and sauteed cheese curds, with a sprinkle of parmesan, some olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I think this is how I've eaten all of the spinach so far from the garden, except in two instances I also had kalamata olives. But I ate them all, so I am without until my next Mama Jeans trip.
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