Thursday, May 13, 2010

Garden report 5.13.10

I love when vegetables start blooming!

Yellow pear Tomatoes

And I love when everything starts looking healthier- nothing like those spring rains to perk up the plants! Above tomatoes and onions, with carrots (being slow about germinating), beets, marigolds and castor beans (not for me, but for the moles.)
These beets are almost ready to eat.

I haven't had kohlrabi since elementary school. I hope they taste as good as I remember!
It might be easier to say what ISN'T in this bed! Along the trellis are melons, cukes, zukes and squash. In the middle are okra (recently planted, only three are poking through), green beans, spinach, lettuce and cippolini onions.
The strawberries have been shared with the birds. They apparently like them as much as we do. I brought in about half a cup this morning. There will be plenty more next year, when I won't disturb the bed to get mint out....

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