Sunday, July 27, 2014

To my Baby Kangaroo - 7.27.14

You are 35 weeks this week, probably between 5 and 5-1/2 pounds, and between 18-20" long.

This Friday, your cousin will make his or her entry into the world. My aunt is having a c-section, and they will finally learn if they having a boy or girl! It will be nice to have another little one in the family, so you have a playmate at family gatherings, and we can go on outings like to the zoo!

Symptoms this week:
Back pain - in my middle and lower back, especially after sitting for too long
Abdominal pain - I think something is stretching. It's always on my right side, between the bottom of my belly and my upper leg. One night I had to use the heating pad because Tylenol wasn't helping the pain subside
Sacroilaic joint pain - I haven't been very active this week and I think that's why this pain is flaring up
Frequent peeing - at least 2x a night, and it seems like every hour at work I use the restroom
Braxton Hicks contractions - after lunch a couple days. My belly got really tight and I had cramps that felt like my period was going to start.

We have a checkup on Monday morning.

Your room is coming together. I'd like to hang some things on the walls, but your crib bedding is on and the rocker and ottoman are ready to go. The side table is stocked with a lamp, breastfeeding stuff (lanolin and breastpads) and snacks. I washed and put away all the newborn and 0-3 month clothes in the dresser and closet, so they are all ready for you.

I am feeling crunch time at work. I leave sticky notes on everything so people know the status of each project. My hospital bag is packed except for my phone, tablet and both chargers. I even packed some clothes and other items for you.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Garden update

Last week we got A LOT of produce out of the garden. This picture is only one round of picking. The next night I picked a 3 gallon bucket of peppers (jalapenos, bell, banana), and about 4 gallons of tomatoes (cherry, pear, Romas and Amish Paste, Red Zebras, and beefsteak pink heirloom). There was also an eggplant ready, and lots of herbs - cilantro, basil and dill.

On Sunday, I was trying to figure out how to preserve the harvest because I knew we wouldn't be able to eat it all before it went bad. So I made Peach Salsa and Dilly Green Beans out of Put Em Up. This is the same book that I used last year to make Dilly Carrots. 

I also made several batches of fresh pico because we had tons of cilantro and jalapenos to use. And then I froze 7 packages of seeded and sliced bell peppers to use for fajitas in the winter. 

And I went to the farm Sunday and picked almost a gallon of blackberries, so those are in the freezer on cookie sheets right now, waiting to be bagged for later usage.

I think this weekend I will need to can tomatoes because a lot of the paste tomatoes and beefsteaks are ready to eat. I've been eating lots of tomato, basil, mozzarella and olive salads for lunch, and tomato, bacon, Miracle Whip sandwiches for breakfast. Delicious!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

To my baby Kangaroo - 7.20.14

This week, 34, you are probably close to 5 pounds and 18" in length. You are continuing to put on baby-chub. You move around quite often; it feels like you are turning somersaults. Sometimes there is a hard spot but I'm not sure if it's a foot, hand, butt, or your head. You move so fast I can't get a good feel!

We had two awesome baby showers this week. We received some duplicate items that we need to return, several handmade items, tons of clothes and other goodies. Sometime this week I'll probably go to Target and buy some of the stuff we're missing that I think we need. Namely a changing pad & cover, car seat protector, sunshades for the car windows, a mattress protector, baby tylenol & gas drops, CD player and some lullaby CDs, and a trash can for diapers. Barely any of the breastfeeding stuff was bought off the registry, but I'm going to wait and make sure I can breastfeed before I spend money on all that stuff; it may not be returnable.

My symptoms this week:
- sometimes when I wake up in the morning, my hands are numb. I've been reading that carpal tunnel during the later weeks of pregnancy is pretty common.
- My hip joints are still painful, mostly on days that I don't exercise. That's a good reason to go to the gym or stay active! Sometimes my hips pop REALLY loud when I go to stand or sit. And I find I am really stiff if I sit for too long at work.
- I'm feeling less rested. I think because I now get up 3-4 times/night to pee. I tried not drinking as much water in the evening, but then I wake up feeling dehydrated. So I'd rather drink water like normal and pee more often than wake up parched.

It's funny how different people react differently when they see my baby bump. At the shower on Sunday, my great aunt commented that I didn't look very big for being 33 weeks along. She expected me to have a bigger belly. But at my work shower on Thursday, a coworker commented that either my due date must have been calculated wrong or my baby is going to be really big.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

To my Baby Kangaroo - 7.13.14

Yesterday your Dad and I had maternity photos taken. I hope they turn out as good as I think they will! It was quite muggy during our photoshoot, but we were in the shade for the photos and there was a good breeze. They were the first professional photos we've had taken since our wedding nearly seven years ago.

This week you are about 4 pounds and are expected to gain about half a pound from here on out. You are welcome to stay inside and grow for the next 7 weeks!

Today is our baby shower with family. I also invited some friends from college and Springfield but I don't know who is attending. That will be a surprise! Your aunt Lyndsey, uncle Jason and their babies are here this weekend. They came for the shower, but also to spend some time with us and explore the area. Lyndsey brought a TON of baby clothes for us and some other stuff I haven't had a chance to look at yet.

My dad has been refinishing and repairing a rocking chair for your nursery. You'll be the sixth generation to rock in the chair. It looks so good. I wish we had some before photos because it looks like a different chair!

Symptoms this week:
Insomnia - still waking up several times a week and not able to get back to sleep. Usually worrying about work stuff, not baby stuff.
More peeing. I was only waking up once a night to pee, which was typical even before pregnancy. Now I wake up twice a night, and really have to go when I wake for good in the morning.
Hunger - still eating lots of (healthy) snacks
Hip pain, most noticeable on days I don't work out.
Back pain if I sit or stand in one position for too long
Possible varicose veins on my legs. On my right leg, there is a huge purple spot below the knee that looks almost like a bruise, probably about the size of my thumb.
Hot flashes.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

To My Baby Kangaroo - 7.6.14

I have now been pregnant for 32 weeks, or 8 months. Wow, that is kind of crazy to think about! When I first found out I was pregnant a couple days before Christmas, I thought August was SOOOO far away. Now I think about how soon you'll be here and freak out a little each time. Mostly because we don't have your room ready yet. But I suppose that really all you need in those first couple weeks is some clothes, diapers and my boobs. So we're set. :) The big ticket item we really need still is a carseat; hopefully we'll receive that at a baby shower!

Next week is a busy week baby-wise. Friday is our next doctor's appointment. I think after this appointment I'll start seeing him every two weeks for a month, and then switch to once a week visits in August. Saturday morning we have our maternity photos with a professional photographer. We have a family and friends baby shower on Sunday afternoon. And we have several family members, and hopefully some friends, coming in from out of town. I'm excited to show them our house, orchard and garden because some of them have never been to our house. My coworkers are also throwing a baby shower for me after work on July 17.

This week you are about 4 pounds and I am expected to gain about a pound a week from now until your birth. An issue to look out for in the next 8 weeks is water retention/swelling. I think I have avoided swelling so far because I drink lots of water and try to exercise everyday. Even if I don't make it to the gym, I work in the garden, and I walk Freddy every weekday morning.

Symptoms this week:
- Insomnia. I wake up in the early morning hours and can't get back to sleep because my mind is racing. Usually about work stuff. We are in the middle of adopting new building codes and we're going live with a new software in the middle of my maternity leave. I'm trying to work ahead, but it's difficult to do while still doing my main job of plan reviewer.
- Frequent peeing - sometimes my bladder feels really full but barely anything comes out. And then I end up visiting the bathroom 10 minutes later and peeing like it will never end.
- Stretch marks. This Wednesday I woke up with bright pink stretch marks all around my belly button. They are really wide, and some of them appeared to even bleed. I've been putting lotion on them several times a day because they itch. My sister in law and I were talking about stretch marks recently; she's had two babies. She said she's OK with her stretch marks because "she earned those tiger stripes". I like how she thinks!
- Increased hunger - still. Which I guess is expected since I'm going to gain about a pound a week from here on out. Usually I am hungry about every 1-1/2 hours. I keep my desk and the work fridge stocked with fruit, yogurt, string cheese, granola bars, and Wheat Thins. And some chocolate. I crave dark chocolate and chocolate shakes everyday. And ice cream. (Which is why I bought a countertop ice cream maker recently. So far, we've had rocky road ice cream and coconut sorbet. This weekend I am making peanut butter cup ice cream.)
- I'm starting to get too big for some of my maternity t-shirts. They are starting to pop up and not cover the bottom of my belly. I anticipate more dress-wearing in the next 8 weeks!
- The joint paint in my hips is still there, but I notice it's worse on days that I don't exercise. If I go to the gym, or at least don't sit all day, then my hips don't hurt as bad. A perfect reason to stay active!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Baby things

Crocheted diaper covers from here. A headband with flower. And side-button shoes
Another headband and another pair of legwarmers
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