Wednesday, February 26, 2014

To my Baby Kangaroo 1/5/14

This last week was pretty uneventful. The only symptom I continue to have is painful breasts. I am grateful I have not been plagued with nausea or food aversions.
My first doctor's visit is this Thursday, for lots of lab work and examining my lady business. When I made the appointment, they said there wouldn't be an ultrasound so your Dad isn't planning on attending. But future visits, he'll be there. I compiled a list of questions to ask the doctor, and I'm sure I'll add more before Thursday.
I started looking for books on pregnancy and the first year of baby. There are several that I'm thinking of buying. These books continually show up on lists of "must-have books for moms":
Mayo Clinic Guide to Healthy Pregnancy (very good book)
Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth about Pregnancy and Childbirth (not worth it, glad I can resell on Amazon...)
The Happiest Baby on the  Block
The Baby Book: Everything you Need to Know about your baby from Birth to Age Two
I also came across a pretty hilarious pregnancy blog: Especially check out the Awkward Pregnancy Photos, Cake Wrecks- Baby Shower Edition (I swear I'd die of laughter if someone made the cupcakes for my shower. You'll know which cupcakes I'm talking about once you get to them.), and Porn for Pregnant Ladies (there isn't any total nudity, sorry). Pregnant Chicken has a good list of books, but the books I chose were also on lists when I googled "best pregnancy books".
Yesterday, I took Freddy to the vet for his rabies shot update. He was very well-behaved in the car; it was just me and him. Usually my brother or dad rides along to contain Freddy. Yesterday I put a sheet all over the backseat and let him roam as he wished. He stood or sat on the seat and looked out the passenger window, and then he would get bored and come to the driver side window. I could tell he was nervous because I gave him a treat at a stop sign and he took it and then spit it out. It was even one of his favorite treats, a Beggin Strip. After the vet visit, we went to Hardee's and got bacon egg and cheese biscuits. It is forecast to get really cold and snowy this weekend, and so mom and dad gave Freddy a bath yesterday so he could stay inside. Then in the evening, I got a phone call from dad, who thought I'd like to talk to Freddy. Mom put me on speaker phone and I talked a little; I'm sure the pooch was wondering "where is Mom's voice coming from?" haha...
I know there's probably nothing I can do to help ensure that you are not allergic to Freddy or the cats. I sure hope you don't take after your Dad in that respect. I'm going to ask the doctor but I have a feeling he'll just look at me like I'm stupid. I've read that the first 6 weeks post-delivery should be pretty tame in the exercise realm because everything is healing. I was hoping I could walk Freddy as part of my recovery. But I don't know how you'll react allergy-wise. (And I hope Freddy doesn't think you're an overgrown squeaky-toy.)
I'm hoping to tell our parents next weekend. I'd like to have a family dinner after we get more information from the doctor on Thursday. I'm 7 weeks along right now. You are 1/2" long, the size of a big blueberry. Your arms and legs are paddle-like, your face is starting to take shape, your pancreas, liver and heart are working, and your brain is taking shape.

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