Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Garden Report

 This weekend while I was in Springfield, I went ahead and pulled up some of the veggies in the garden. Who knows when I'll get back to Springfield, and by the time I get there the house may be sold and someone else wanting to eat my leeks and parsnips.

Well maybe not, but we can only hope that someone sees this house, gets a nice tax refund and buys our house.

 There are still onions and garlic in the ground because they aren't big enough to harvest. But I did get 14 oz of leeks.
16 oz of parsnips and
2 oz carrots
 And apparently the flower bulbs are as confused about the weather as I am. Yesterday we might have hit a high for January in Springfield. I heard it was near 70 degrees.

These hyacinth and tulips need to retreat back into the dirt!

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