I bought a helmet today! It's made by Bontrager, the same company as my new bike tires. It's a universal fit and it adjusts with a dial, similar to how my hard hat adjusts.
I know, you're jealous... I still need to adjust the straps, but at least I finally bought a helmet!
I also took back the air kit and exchanged it for a kit with a few more accessories:
Patch kit
two CO2 cartridges
tire levers
all in a pouch that mounts under my seat.

I also put a spare tube in it. Hard to believe all that stuff fit in that pouch!
Random knowledge: the type of valves on my bike tubes are called Schraeder valves. They are the same kind as car tire valves. There is another type of valve called a Presta valve. The valve core can't be removed on a Presta valve, so you can't put anything like Slime in your tubes. Which I won't be doing with my tubes anyway...
I still need an allen wrench (for my brakes) and a small crescent wrench, and then my kit will be complete. I guess I need to remove this kit every time I park my bike. Currently, my bike is parked in the greenhouse, but the CO2 cartridges aren't supposed to be exposed to temperatures exceeding 120. Earlier this week, outside temperature was 70 and inside the greenhouse was 100. I have a feeling that this summer we may exceed 120 inside the greenhouse...
I also took back the air kit and exchanged it for a kit with a few more accessories:
Patch kit
two CO2 cartridges
tire levers
all in a pouch that mounts under my seat.

I also put a spare tube in it. Hard to believe all that stuff fit in that pouch!
Random knowledge: the type of valves on my bike tubes are called Schraeder valves. They are the same kind as car tire valves. There is another type of valve called a Presta valve. The valve core can't be removed on a Presta valve, so you can't put anything like Slime in your tubes. Which I won't be doing with my tubes anyway...
I still need an allen wrench (for my brakes) and a small crescent wrench, and then my kit will be complete. I guess I need to remove this kit every time I park my bike. Currently, my bike is parked in the greenhouse, but the CO2 cartridges aren't supposed to be exposed to temperatures exceeding 120. Earlier this week, outside temperature was 70 and inside the greenhouse was 100. I have a feeling that this summer we may exceed 120 inside the greenhouse...
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