Several months ago, a coworker gave me a record player (Garrard GT-25) and a milk crate full of classic rock records. Around the same time, I volunteered to help a friend sell his dad's record collection on Amazon or Ebay. Maybe I should revisit my first sentence, this was before deer season last fall, so at least October or maybe even September.
Since then, all the records from his dad have been sitting in our enclosed back porch, in front of the deep freeze (making it extra difficult to get meat out of the freezer). I intentionally put them there so I would trip over them and get around to selling them quicker. Obviously, that didn't work out very well since it's been six months and they are still sitting there... The record player and milkcrate of records from my coworker have been sitting in the Cloffice (Closet/Office, I'll explain in a different post someday) until about three weeks ago when the Hubs asked me why I hadn't hooked it up to the surround sound yet. Well... because I don't know how!!! So I cleaned off a space in the entertainment center and hauled the record player into the living room. the Hubs hooked it up. I selected a pretty good album, AC/DC's Dirty Deeds Done Dirty Cheap
, put it on the record player, and NOTHING HAPPENED!!! The record player buzzed, but there was no turning, no music, just sadness.
I asked my coworker if the record player was still working when he stored it years ago, and it was. He suggested we take it apart and check the belt.
Today I come home from work and find this note from the Hubs:
So I open up the back and this is what I see...

A HUGE mouse nest of pink batt insulation!
Since then, all the records from his dad have been sitting in our enclosed back porch, in front of the deep freeze (making it extra difficult to get meat out of the freezer). I intentionally put them there so I would trip over them and get around to selling them quicker. Obviously, that didn't work out very well since it's been six months and they are still sitting there... The record player and milkcrate of records from my coworker have been sitting in the Cloffice (Closet/Office, I'll explain in a different post someday) until about three weeks ago when the Hubs asked me why I hadn't hooked it up to the surround sound yet. Well... because I don't know how!!! So I cleaned off a space in the entertainment center and hauled the record player into the living room. the Hubs hooked it up. I selected a pretty good album, AC/DC's Dirty Deeds Done Dirty Cheap
I asked my coworker if the record player was still working when he stored it years ago, and it was. He suggested we take it apart and check the belt.
Today I come home from work and find this note from the Hubs:
So I open up the back and this is what I see...
A HUGE mouse nest of pink batt insulation!
So I pulled in the trash can and scooped it out, then pulled out the vacuum with the handy dandy nozzle/tube thing and now it looks like this:
Maybe I'll come home tomorrow and it will be all hooked up and working and I can rock out! (Hint, hint!)
So I've gotta ask......did you get it working?...
Deb, it looks like I need some wire nuts and black electrical tape. Some of the insulation is worn/eaten off some of the wiring.
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