Sunday, May 22, 2011


Yesterday as I was planting green beans I discovered the lone artichoke plant actually has two artichokes on it! We'll see how this artichoke plant does in the coming weeks, but I think what I'm going to do is plant artichoke seeds in the greenhouse. Artichokes need a long growing season, or they will fruit the second year. So I'm thinking their first year can be in the greenhouse and then I'll transplant them outside next spring.

Today I planted Charentais melon, Marketmore 76 cucumbers, Butternut Rogosa Violina Giola squash and Fordhook acorn squash. I also planted Kentucky Wonder pole beans in the squash bed and put in some bamboo stakes for them. I sprinkled some marigolds in some hanging baskets.

I transplanted the tomatoes and peppers to the garden. I "ordered" some eggplant plants from a coworkers wife when I was at the farmer's market. She has a nursery but she left all the eggplant at home. I asked her to send some with her husband to work tomorrow.

This morning I picked 12 oz of strawberries, which brings the year's total to  49.5 oz.

Here's the bigger artichoke. It's probably golf ball size.
The smaller one is harder to see because it's only about the size of a marble. It's directly below the larger one.

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